<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: Sprouts

Tuesday, 30 December 2008


"Do you like hospital food?"

Normally used as a threat rather than an actual question. So if your answer was
"Actually today I did like the sprouts", it would probably be followed by a visit to the dentist for some remedial work.

Chemo does some very strange things to your taste buds, and it seems to change unpredicably from day to day. Last week I was convinced I was given Salted Rhubarb pudding. Not recomended.

Today, I not only braved NHS brussels for the second time of my stay, first were obligatory xmas day ones, but came to the conclusion they were the best part of the meal.


  1. meal that good huh? Much farting to follow then- roommates beware...

  2. Sprout Mexicane!!!!

  3. drink a pinta milk a day....drinkapintamilkaday

    greetings from Dordrecht Marty - great to speak to you last night (and miss the hogmanay bells...typical of us)

    will send you a big email with fotos of the kiddywinks

    see ya

    His Majesty King James VI of Scotland

  4. Never mind the sprouts, AC/DC still pretty cool!!


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