<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: Lucozade - aids insomnia

Monday, 29 December 2008

Lucozade - aids insomnia

In retrospect, reaching for the Lucozade bottle was a bad idea.

It was 4ish and the night had been hard work so far. A blur of tangled tubes,wires and pumps which were filling me with chemo and fluids, to make hourly visits to the sample room to rid myself of them.

Maybe it was an accumulation of mistakes. I had neglected to keep my water bottles refilled the night before and so earlier had had to reach for the 50s Tupperware beaker of water. An experience I didn't want to repeat. I lay awake and remembered the half drunk Luco bottle bought in by one of my visitors (thanks to all of you so far by the way - it has been brilliant, both the visits and calls). Took a sup. Warm and fizzy (eerk lets hope I got the right container). Rolled over for more kip. Hmm that tastes alright I'll have some more, feel warm inside now and headache gone. Cool. Now sleeeeeep....

"Must cancel gym membership" "get the house fixed" ... "shut up! sleep!"

Its now 5am. On the plus side the lucozade stopped my early morning headache,but I now have to get some of these thoughts out of my head. I ban myself from turning on the laptop, like the night before. I have discovered the art of night time note book jotting. The lights are off, but the pen seems to be on the paper not the bed sheet. This is great, I never new I could write so fast. Should have tried this years ago for midnight revelations.

I pen a list of things to do next week, and then next month. I write a load of this blog. An email. Another one. Argh stop it, enough! See if I can get 2 hours more sleep before morning....

Oopps. It is now 7:30, and have been on the laptop since six! I am now trying to transcribe all these pages of notes. Each page took around a minute to fill, a revelation! However all the pages are unintelligible, and so are taking more like 15 mins to read and retype. The bits I can read that is, was I sleep scribing? Motty, when you read this, I think I have just found the secret weapon of our old mate Dave the Medic. (this guy had officially unreadable writting so was allowed specialists to transcribe his finals after each exam - he could have written War and Peace in that time - genius!).

Onto my progress, until the addition of Luco I was close to getting depressed last night, round the clock urination every 50 mins was messing with my head.( but maybe good training for endurance?). Anyway my PH went upto 8 last night which is good news for the Lemonchello treatment. [side note: am feeling very smug. I just found out I managed 10.2 litres of piss on christmas day, very fitting for a day of excess]

So viva Lucozade. Bad call by me but,but was a good effect. If its not on your plan already I recomend you put a bottle by your bed ready for Hogmanay. I swear it'll work wonders on the headache and you'll have planned how to do all next years resolutions by first light.


  1. Sprouts Mexicane!! (Again)

  2. i drink 12 bottles of lucozade a day its made me more alert and faster (i typed this in 10 secs


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