<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: spiked again

Sunday, 15 March 2009

spiked again

Its 7:40 and very peaceful for a hospital right now. curtains are drawn but looks like a perfect day outside- I made a partition across my side so I could have some fresh air. (the others like a closed atmosphere).

I have been trying to sleep with my arms and knees as high in the air as I can. This is not something kinky but because the joints in my wrists and knees have become very inflamed and painful over the last 2 days. It is probably a side effect. No anti-inflamatory allowed on this treatment - only paracetomol. But they are still well painful - maybe I should raise them higher!

So I said peaceful, but that is between the interludes of coughing fits. We are all coughing like crazy when awake. Yesterday the docs were quite happy with our (i.e. the boys and myself in our locked down room) various flu like coughs and ailments, and thought we would all recover quickly. However, later on both myself and another patient had fever "spikes". In here if you go above 38C and are neutrapenic - there is an immediate action plan: blood tests and first line antibiotics.
My fever came on while Michelle was here (7:30) and hit 38.6c - so I tried to get the doc to factor that in! ha ha! By 9pm I'd had the blood tests,the drip stands were back, and was recieving 2 old friends back to my blood stream - gentamycin and tazocin. Fast work :)
But this is disappointing, as yet again I am now on a complex drug course which if my neutraphils do come back soon may stop me getting home for a while longer, lets see.

My throat is much more sore today, so its lucky I've been stuffing my face while it wasnt! I'll resort back to liquids for a day or two til it eases.

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