<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: recovery time

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

recovery time

wednesday. Very tired at the moment, this chemo is actually very powerful, just not as flash with its side effects than the other rounds. Hard to get enough rest even at night, but I am managing all the same.
Well I have had a good break at home, but my bloods are now right down so I am being recalled to the ward until I recover. No problem, but cant wait now until i am out again!

1 comment:

  1. Aye aye Marty

    Get yer rest min, ye'll need it for shouting at the rugby on Saturday. Yer getting a wee taste of what it's like supporting Scotland cos England are shite just now too...........


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