<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: Wind wolf army

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Wind wolf army

Hi Folks,
At last things are looking up! While Thursday eve was a bit of a low as i was moved into an isolation room after they discovered bugs in me, since Friday there has been signs of change for the better. Definitely some healing of my mouth had started and the weird lesions on my legs stared to shrink. But the most exciting thing was at lunch time one of the docs came rushing in with the days blood test result. "Your neutraphils have come back, 0.6! Well considering they have been 0.0 since i started treatment and for the last 9 days of recovery after chemo, this was almost unbelievable news! In fact, it was news i was cautious about. After all, it was only one result, and although i could tell i was improving, what if the next one came back zero again. Best to not get too excited. Yet. The neutraphils returning is so important, i was paranoid my stem cells that produce these nuetralphils (white cells) could have been knocked out by the leukemia overcrowding my bone marrow and then by the chemo. So maybe were gone - that is very unlikely but you worry, trust me.
So yesterday I was not scheduled a blood test, I was disappointed, I did not think I could wait two more days. I asked the docs on their round if one could be squeezed in and he said actually it was not a bad idea to take one, so I had another routine test yesterday. As the test was mid day, the result was not available until this morning. So yesterday was another day of waiting, but again more healing in my mouth and leg lesions so all good signs my army was back.
This morning feeling pretty good, after a shower at least as i seem to sleep with raging sweats - often change me Jammie's mid way through the night. Its 10:30an and my docs just came round. Now just to explain, it is important that the neutraphils rise above 1.o before the next stage can be considered. for a healthy adult I am told the range is 1.0 to 8 ish. So anyway, the docs were grinning, as the lovely neutraphils have now gone up again, 0.6 had been a huge jump the day before, but i was not expecting this: "They are now 4.5!!!!!!" Woo hoo, Goooooaaaaaaaaaala! Back of the net!

I can't help thinking the full moon and this huge weather storm, which is now battering the NE coast, is aat least partly responsible for such a speedy blood recovery. I always get hyper when they both coincide, Michelle call's me a wind-wolf!!

On that subject, boys, I hope Cruden Bay is epic today, you should get some epic down the line waves. Rip it up!

That's me well happy today. Yup I am still sore, but the army is back, and now running round fixing the last 3 weeks of carnage :)


End of day update: Todays full blood report was Hb 110, platelets 217 ( I came in with 20), white total 5.0, neutraphils 3.7. So the full bloods are looking really good at this stage, and although the neutraphils may have ebbed a little, this is probably because I have just come of their growth stimulus drug, so 3.7 is still an amazing amount. The only down side at the moment, and very frustrating it is too, is that i have picked up a nasty bacterial gut infection which now needs to be dealt with, everything else is improving daily.


  1. Way to go Martin. Never thought I'd be so pleased about any army going into battle ;-)

  2. Fabulous Martin, so happy for you mate, take care.

  3. Great news!! Looking forward to see your front loops soon ;-)....

  4. Hi Martin

    Great news! bloody fantastic :) :) :) Hopefully you can still be laird of fittie from your new room. We went for a walk along the beach today. I carried Tom in my arms so he could see everything, not sure he was that impressed, maybe a bit windy for him. He gets a bit flustered by the wind, which is quite funny
    we're fine. Tom is on top form, I'm drinking more coffee again and Aly is looking forward to him impending off shore jaunt (12 hrs of sleep...)However he trip is drifting further into the horizon - the job keeps getting postponed, and might even be cancelled, ha ha ha. Not that i'm gloating.
    Other news
    Gillian (Jean's great niece)and Steve have just had their baby. Baby Archie. He's lovely I went to see them yesterday.
    If you get bored and fancy a visit let me know, otherwise we'll keep our germs to ourselves and virtual visit instead.
    take care and make sure you keep the doctors on their toes :)

    elizabeth and tom

  5. This is what we have been waiting to hear. Well done Martin and keep it going. Love The Blackers


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