<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: Time for an update

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Time for an update

Erm, ok, sorry. So its been a while. I had wondered whether I was going to continue this blog. I was not sure what to write anymore, the thing is that mostly things now happen at a slower pace to the time in hospital. Daily updates just didn't seem relevent anymore. But it has been almost 2 months since I last wrote anything, and on reflection it does seem like a fair bit has happened or changed since and I did not mean to leave it that long. Thanks those who have sent me messages of encouragement, and those who requested blog updates, i think you must be crazier than me but here we go anyway. So I'll try to catch up later but for now jump to the present.

Physically I am improving really well on the outside. The hickman line came out in April with no hitches, and all my hair has been growing back. I have not been allowed back in the water, even the swimming pool yet, this is mostly because of infection risk since my immune system is still very much compromised. So my rehab excercise plan has changed from being swimming based to walking, jogging and a bit on an old rowing machine.

I read Lance Armstrong's book in hospital I noted that he found the followup period far harder than his time in hospital. I remember thinking that sounded about right. Emotionally this period has been very challenging. It is very hard if not impossible not to get paranoid each time I get an unexpected headache, or just start feeling more tired in the mornings than the week before.

I am now having monthly visits and blood tests at the hospital. Unfortunately the last test, which was last tuesday, has thrown me a curve ball as it was not quite bang on. My neutraphils have dropped since the last test 4 weeks before to 0.7, this is below normal and borderline neutrapenic. This could be caused by infection, but more worrying by onset of a relapse. This was followed up by a microscope screening the next day which did not show any bad cells. Thats good but I am not out of the woods yet. Now I just have to wait for a retest, which is due today.

So not a good week, its been paranoia central! despite that I am still positive and hoping for good news today.

I'll follow this up soon - promise :)

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