<BGSOUND LOOP='1' SRC='http://www.fittie.eclipse.co.uk/music/acdciywb.mp3'> </BGSOUND> If You Want Blood - Youve Got It!: Recovery time at home

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Recovery time at home

Wooops, I seem to have left it a while since I updated this blog.

For the last 2 weeks I have been at home, with only a weekly visit to the hospital for blood tests. It has been great. As I have said many times before in this dairy the simple freedom of home is amazing compared to hospital living!
The first week I was still very anaemic and coughing my guts out - the after effects of the para-influenza virus! At the moment the main problem is having very little energy, (and coughing like a sea lion). I feel like I have been fitted with old batteries that just give up without warning after a few minutes - I guess this is the chemo and the anaemia. I am recovering little by little each day but it does mean I have been sleeping heaps and going to the beach very little, something I find a bit frustrating: I want to do stuff! But I get it, I have to take it easy so my bod can recover :)

The coolest thing was that I came out of hospital just in time to go to my friends 20th wedding party, great to see so many people but ok i didn't manage any Ceilidh dances (was dizzy just standing up!)

While I haven't done much, I have repaired the surf wagon again. This time it was the power steering which seized causing an impressive cloud of smoke as the belt burnt though and Michelle yelling "get out the car its on fire!", very funny in retrospect! I have now replaced the pump and belt in a very laid back way over the last 10 days. Hope it works!
Also, don't know why, I have made some Marmalade! Well the oranges were in the freezer so it seemed the thing to do! That took me days as well.

Well today I go back in to the ward for blood tests, and possibly for the full bone marrow test. I am praying this will show remission, lets keep fingers and toes crossed and hope it does!

I'll update this when I know more :)

1 comment:

  1. Too right you haven't posted for ages! I was starting to wonder if we'd hear any more.
    Sorry I missed you on my way offshore but I got into Aberdeen too late and left too early.
    Might catch you on my way home, but don't yet know when that'll be.
    Thanks for the update.
    Will the time ever come you get a new surf wagon btw?


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